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  • Strawberry Cough by Pure Plan

Strawberry Cough – 0.5 gr Vape Cartridge

Sativa87.47% THC2.03% CBG
$36.00/0.5 gr$40.00
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    Ends 3/31/2025 at 12:00am.
  • Free delivery available statewide

Product description

Pure Focus Full Potency is a Custom Formulated Blend based on a foundation of mind-clearing alpha pinene and the even-keel of linalool to create a balance between stimulation and calm. Strawberry Cough is a sativa strain descended from a cross of a Haze cultivar and an unknown runt that had supposedly been grown near a strawberry patch. The strawberry flavor is undeniable in this profile, it's as if you’re right back in the field the first plant came from. Notes of pine, pepper and spice can be detected below the strawberry surface. Definitely a daytime variety, Strawberry Cough will put you in a place to get some work done.

Dominant Terpenes

  • Pinene

    9.51 mg/g

  • Linalool

    6.18 mg/g

  • β-Caryophyllene

    5.3 mg/g

  • Eucalyptol

    2.76 mg/g

  • β-Myrcene

    2.09 mg/g


Strain TypeSativa
StrainStrawberry Cough
Total THC87.47% (437.36 mg)
Total CBD0.31% (1.54 mg)
Total CBG2.03% (10.14 mg)

Strawberry Cough offers intense focus and uplifting euphoria. Sweet, herbal and pine aromas are the stars of the show. Our pharmacist recommends it for chronic pain, stress relief, focus, nausea, GI issues, mood elevation, and as an anti inflammatory. Top terpenes: myrcene and pinene.

Learn more

Using a vape cartridge is one of the most popular consumption methods for finding immediate relief in an easy and discreet way. Prepackaged cartridges usually come filled with .5 to 1 gram of cannabis oil and will need to be screwed into a battery. Cannabis is inhaled into the lungs where it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

First-time patients are advised to take a slow and gentle pull and wait a few minutes to feel the effects before repeating. Vape cartridges typically have a high THC potency and effects can last anywhere from one to three hours.

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