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  • Dragonbalm by Dragonfly

2:1THC:CBD Dragonbalm Topical

366.57 mg THC224.25 mg CBD11.91 mg CBN
  • Earn 6% 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
    Ends 3/31/2025 at 12:00am.
  • Free delivery available statewide

Product description

Through hundreds of years of ancient herbal eastern medicine, this ointment has been formulated to treat headaches and cold, rheumatic or arthritic pains, or muscle strains and pains. This product has become one of the world’s best-known pain-relieving formulations with a new and improved Dragonfly formulation infused with THC and CBD. Always store in a cool dry place.

Ingredients: Petrolatum, Camphor, Menthol, Melaleuca, Leucadendron, Cajaput Oil, Paraffin, Clove Oil, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Cinnamomum Cassia Oil, Tocopherol, Pure Cannabis Extract.

Net Wt: 1oz


Total THC366.57 mg (1.29%)
Total CBD224.25 mg (0.79%)
Total CBN11.91 mg (0.04%)

This type of topical is great for treating localized pain in the body. Balms and lotions are typically made by infusing a carrier oil with cannabis that can then be mixed into products.

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