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*Outdoor Grown Flower*
Top Terpenes: Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene, and Myrcene.
Strain | Gello Salad |
Outdoor grown cannabis refers to the cultivation of cannabis plants in an open-air, natural environment, harnessing the power of sunlight and natural elements. This method of cultivation relies on the plant's ability to thrive under natural conditions, allowing it to interact with the soil, climate, and seasonal changes. Outdoor cultivation often produces robust and resilient cannabis plants, as they develop in a more diverse and dynamic ecosystem compared to indoor environments. The plants absorb nutrients from the soil, benefit from natural sunlight cycles, and are exposed to varying temperatures and weather patterns. This approach is favored by some cultivators for its potential to yield distinct flavors and aromas, as well as for its environmentally friendly aspects, given that it relies less on artificial lighting and climate control systems.