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  • Duplex 2 Replacement Atomizer Bucket by Ooze

Duplex 2 Replacement Atomizer Bucket – 2 Pack


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    Ends 3/12/2025 at 12:00am.
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Product description

The Onyx Atomizer is the power source of every Ooze C-Core device for concentrates. It’s a deep atomizer bucket that has the patented Azul ceramic core dish in the bottom. If you look closely inside the bucket, you’ll notice that there is a gap on either side of the dish. The Onyx Atomizer has an engineered airflow that pulls air in below the bucket and up on either side of the dish, allowing it to circulate through the entire atomizer and not just around the top. The result is absolute maximum vaporization of your dab!

While the Onyx Atomizer is our most advanced atomizer EVER, it’s still an atomizer at the end of the day. That means that eventually, you’ll need to swap out the original for a fresh new bucket. Simply unscrew the Onyx Atomizer from the base of your Duplex 2 and discard. Take a new Onyx Atomizer out of this replacement pack, screw it in, and you’re back in business.

*Make sure you look for the replacement part boxes with the red and black design, these are specifically for the Duplex 2. We’d hate for you to order parts for the wrong device! Duplex 2 atomizers only in Duplex 2 devices and other Ooze C-Core atomizers DO NOT work in the Duplex 2.

*Device ONLY. Any cartridges and/or other product that may appear in photos is for demonstration purposes only

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