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  • Hawaiian by Select
  • Hawaiian by Select
  • Hawaiian by Select
  • Hawaiian by Select

Hawaiian – 1 gr Cliq Pod

Sativa84.99% THC2% CBG
$75.00/1 gr

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Product description

**REQUIRES CLIQ POD BATTERY** Cliq Pod battery not included.

Hawaiian is a sativa strain known to provide happy and creative thoughts. Medical patients choose Hawaiian to help relieve symptoms associated with pain, and muscle spasms.


Dominant Terpenes

  • Limonene

    10.41 mg/g

  • β-Caryophyllene

    7.62 mg/g

  • β-Myrcene

    3.41 mg/g

  • Humulene

    3.33 mg/g

  • Linalool

    1.65 mg/g


Strain TypeSativa
Total THC84.99% (849.87 mg)
Total CBD0.38% (3.81 mg)
Total CBG2% (20.01 mg)

Originating from the islands of Hawaii, this strain is known for its happy and creative effects. The dominant terpene Terpinolene delivers floral notes accompanied by calm, uplifting feelings perfect for daytime use. Beta-caryophyllene and Myrcene give the strain its spicy, earthy flavors.

Learn more

CLIQ Pods are a proprietary system that is only compatible with the Select Cliq Battery.

Cliq is the culmination of years of research and development to create the perfect marriage of renowned premium Elite oil with an intelligently designed vape delivery system. From a gravity-fed pod to its ultra-tough stainless steel encasing, Cliq comfortably brings the best of high-quality oil and innovative hardware.


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