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Strain | Blackberry Kush |
Total THC | 80.56% (805.56 mg) |
THCa | 0.4% |
Total CBD | 0.25% (2.48 mg) |
Total CBG | 1.56% (15.58 mg) |
Blackberry Kush is a potent nighttime strain great for assisting with sleep. The dominant terpene is Beta-Caryophyllene, which drives the sweet berry flavor profile with notes of spice.
Using a vape cartridge is one of the most popular consumption methods for finding immediate relief in an easy and discreet way. Prepackaged cartridges usually come filled with .5 to 1 gram of cannabis oil and will need to be screwed into a battery. Cannabis is inhaled into the lungs where it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. First-time patients are advised to take a slow and gentle pull and wait a few minutes to feel the effects before repeating. Vape cartridges typically have a high THC potency and effects can last anywhere from one to three hours.