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  • Cereal Milk by Hilight

Cereal Milk – 1 gr Vape Cartridge

Indica-dominant hybrid88.6% THC3.51% CBG
$60.00/1 gr
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Product description

Refreshingly simple cannabis vapes that don't compromise on quality. Produced using AVD GoodCarts, known for their reliability and proprietary AVD No-Burn Technology that, when paired with the AVD Seed Twist battery, delivers unprecedented terpene flavors and a smooth finish. Cereal Milk is an indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain that is best for evening or nighttime use. The dominant terpenes found in Cereal Milk are humulene, caryophyllene, and limonene, which results in an earthy, spicy, and citrusy flavor. When consumed, Cereal Milk is reported to produce a relaxing and calming effect. This product contains artificially derived cannabinoids: THCOa

Dominant Terpenes

  • β-Caryophyllene

    16.27 mg/g

  • Pinene

    3.2 mg/g

  • Limonene

    3.01 mg/g

  • Humulene

    1.85 mg/g

  • Linalool

    1.84 mg/g


Strain TypeIndica Dominant Hybrid
StrainCereal Milk
Total THC88.6% (886.02 mg)
Total CBD0.44% (4.44 mg)
Total CBG3.51% (35.13 mg)

Cereal milk is a hybrid strain that is generally known to be a cross between Cookies, Cherry Pie and Snowman. It’s known for uplifting, calming, and stress-relieving effects. Its earthy, spicy, woody flavor notes are driven by the dominant terpenes Humulene and Beta-Caryophyllene. Our pharmacist recommends it for pain, anxiety, and PTSD. Great for daytime or nighttime use.

Learn more

Using a vape cartridge is one of the most popular consumption methods for finding immediate relief in an easy and discreet way. Prepackaged cartridges usually come filled with .5 to 1 gram of cannabis oil and will need to be screwed into a battery. Cannabis is inhaled into the lungs where it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

First-time patients are advised to take a slow and gentle pull and wait a few minutes to feel the effects before repeating. Vape cartridges typically have a high THC potency and effects can last anywhere from one to three hours.

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