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  • Triangle Kush by Fruit of Life

Triangle Kush – 1 gr Vape Cartridge

76.99% THC3.13% CBG0.88% CBN
$96.00/1 gr

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Product description


StrainTriangle Kush
Total THC76.99% (769.94 mg)
Total CBD0.41% (4.06 mg)
Total CBG3.13% (31.31 mg)
Total CBN0.88% (8.79 mg)

Triangle Kush, or OG Triangle, is a hybrid strain whose exact lineage is not known. Common effects associated with this strain include relaxation and increased creativity. The dominant terpene Myrcene (herbal) and the secondary spicy terpenes Humulene and Beta-Caryophyllene boost the calming effects of this strain.

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Using a vape cartridge is one of the most popular consumption methods for finding immediate relief in an easy and discreet way. Prepackaged cartridges usually come filled with .5 to 1 gram of cannabis oil and will need to be screwed into a battery. Cannabis is inhaled into the lungs where it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. First-time patients are advised to take a slow and gentle pull and wait a few minutes to feel the effects before repeating. Vape cartridges typically have a high THC potency and effects can last anywhere from one to three hours.

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