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27.48 mg/g
27.48 mg/g
Commonly found in lemon, rosemary, and peppermint, Limonene is known for its citrusy and sweet aroma. It may be beneficial for relieving stress and elevating one’s mood.
3.83 mg/g
3.83 mg/g
Commonly found in rosemary and basil, β-Pinene is known for its distinct piney aroma. β-Pinene may be beneficial for treating inflammation and providing anxiety relief. β-Pinene can also be found in conifer trees, orange peels, rosemary, dill, and parsley.
3.4 mg/g
3.4 mg/g
Commonly found in lemon, cumin, and nutmeg. γ-Terpinene is known for its refreshing herbaceous-citrusy aroma. Benefits from γ-Terpinene may include anti-inflammatory, improving digestion, and immune boosting properties.
2.13 mg/g
2.13 mg/g
Commonly found in lilac, tea tree, nutmeg, pine trees, apples, and cumin. Terpinolene is known for its smoky, woody, floral, herbal, and occasionally citrusy aroma. Benefits from Terpinolene may include anticarcinogen, sedative, sleep aid, anti-anxiety, and anti-bacterial properties.
1.71 mg/g
1.71 mg/g
Commonly found in ajowan, allspice, angelica, anise, basil, bay leaf, bergamot, blackberry, cinnamon, clove oil and dill leaf. p-Cymene is known for its sweet and citrusy aroma. Benefits from p-Cymene may include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, anticarcinogen, and antimicrobial properties.
Strain Type | Indica |
Strain | Lemon Sunset |
Total THC | 84.3% (843.01 mg) |
Total CBD | 0.37% (3.7 mg) |
Total CBC | 1.03% (10.33 mg) |
Total CBG | 2.35% (23.54 mg) |
Total CBN | 1.25% (12.52 mg) |
Expires | 1/10/2026 |
A disposable cannabis vape pen is a handheld device consisting of a battery attached to a cartridge filled with cannabis concentrate. Vape pens vaporize rather than burn cannabis, resulting in vapor instead of smoke. Because of the lack of smoke and the handheld convenience of vape pens, some cannabis consumers prefer vaping over smoking.