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Strain | Strawberry Shortcake |
Total THC | 507 mg (1.69%) |
Total CBD | 495 mg (1.65%) |
Total CBG | 42 mg (0.14%) |
Total CBN | 63 mg (0.21%) |
Strawberry Shortcake is known for its euphoric, relaxing, and sleepy effects, perfect for nighttime use. This strain gets its genetics from White Wookie and The White, and its flavor profile consists of the ingredients necessary to make a delicious shortcake; strawberry, butter, and vanilla. Caryophyllene and Limonene provide uplifting, focused effects that are balanced by the calming, relaxing qualities of Myrcene.
Tinctures use an alcohol base to create a highly concentrated liquid cannabis extract. Tinctures are best absorbed under the tongue where they can easily enter the bloodstream. Liquid droppers are used to dose the amount of cannabis being consumed. The effects from tinctures are felt quicker than edibles, but not as quick as inhalation and it is best to avoid eating or drinking for 10 minutes following administration. New patients are advised to start with a small amount (0.1ml-0.25ml) and increase dosage every 3 days until desired effects are felt.