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  • The Soap by High Variety
  • The Soap by High Variety
  • The Soap by High Variety
  • The Soap by High Variety

The Soap – 5g Greenhouse Flower

Sativa21.01% THC0.38% CBG
$52.25/5 gr$55.00
  • Earn 6% 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
    Ends 3/5/2025 at 12:00am.
  • Free delivery available statewide

Product description

Need a lift? The Boost collection emphasizes energizing products to create a little tailwind to get you going. The Soap effects include focus and feeling energized. Medical patients often choose The Soap when dealing with symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, and depression.

Dominant Terpenes

  • β-Caryophyllene

    6.61 mg/g

  • Limonene

    3.05 mg/g

  • Humulene

    2.09 mg/g

  • Linalool

    2.05 mg/g

  • β-Pinene

    0.57 mg/g


Strain TypeSativa
StrainThe Soap #2
Total THC21.01% (1,050.75 mg)
Total CBD0.06% (2.89 mg)
Total CBG0.38% (19.07 mg)
Cultivation typesGreenhouse

There are many potential benefits to using a cannabis greenhouse:

A controlled environment limits the plant's encounters with bugs, pests, bacteria, and diseases.
Because a cannabis greenhouse relies primarily on passive solar for light and heat, it's more energy efficient than traditional indoor growing.

This method allows you to begin growing cannabis in a greenhouse during the winter for additional harvests.

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