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Ingredients: RSO, Natural Fruit Juice Concentrate, Water, Pectin, Cane Sugar, Citric Acid, MCT Oil, Tapioca, Sunflower Lecithin
Strain Type | Hybrid |
Pieces per package | 10 |
Total THC | 580.51 mg (0.95% / 58.05 mg per piece) |
Total CBD | 4.29 mg (0.01% / 0.43 mg per piece) |
Total CBC | 9.81 mg (0.02% / 0.98 mg per piece) |
Total CBG | 25.13 mg (0.04% / 2.51 mg per piece) |
Total CBN | 19.62 mg (0.03% / 1.96 mg per piece) |
Expires | 12/6/2025 |