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  • Low Dose RSO Capsules by The Solid

Low Dose RSO Capsules – 30-pack

Hybrid146.02 mg THC7.06 mg CBG3.6 mg CBN
    • Earn 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
    • Free delivery available statewide

    Product description

    A full-spectrum extract made from Indica strains known for their pain-relieving, calming, and soothing properties. These powerful capsules deliver high levels of terpenes and cannabinoids to create a strong entourage effect.

    Ingredients: RSO Oil, Candelilla Wax, MCT Oil


    Strain TypeHybrid
    Pieces per package30
    Total THC146.02 mg (1.01% / 4.87 mg per piece)
    Total CBC2.16 mg (0.02% / 0.07 mg per piece)
    Total CBG7.06 mg (0.05% / 0.24 mg per piece)
    Total CBN3.6 mg (0.03% / 0.12 mg per piece)

    Capsules are easy to use, discreet, and a good alternative for those who don’t prefer traditional edibles. They don't have any sugar, can be swallowed whole, and typically have no cannabis taste or smell.

    Rick Simpson Oil, AKA RSO, is a concentrate named after the medical cannabis advocate who first created it. It is typically a thick and sticky dark oil known for its high concentration of THC.

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