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  • CBD Sour Apple Hygge Chews by Riverside Farm

CBD Sour Apple Hygge Chews Gummy – 15-pack

410.04 mg CBD
    • Earn 6% 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
      Ends 3/31/2025 at 12:00am.
    • Free delivery available statewide

    Product description

    Ingredients: Corn Syrup, Cane Sugar, Water, Gelatin, Sorbitol, Natural Flavors, Coconut Oil, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Pectin, Cannabis Oil, Sodium Malate, Salt, Fruit and/or Vegetable Juice for Color, Bees Wax, Carnauba Wax
    CONTAINS: Coconut


    Pieces per package15
    Total CBD410.04 mg (0.68% / 27.34 mg per piece)

    Gummies are gelatinous cubes formulated with cannabinoids.

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