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  • Mint by Dragonfly

5:5:5 THC:CBD:CBG Mint Tablet – 5mg 40-pack

Hybrid199.26 mg THC206.71 mg CBD218.38 mg CBG8.1 mg CBN
    • Earn 6% 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
      Ends 3/12/2025 at 12:00am.
    • Free delivery available statewide

    Product description

    Say goodbye to cutting your gummies into tiny pieces! Lower in sugar than gummies and also free of animal products. Our 1:1:1 ratio chewable mint tablets were crafted to create a discreet cannabis experience while helping you find the perfect balance of cannabinoids for a full spectrum effect. Onset may be faster than other edible products if you chew and swallow immediately.

    Ingredients: Sugar, Tricalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate, Coconut Oil, All Natural Flavors, Blue Dye 1, Pure Cannabis Extract


    Strain TypeHybrid
    Pieces per package40
    Total THC199.26 mg (0.62% / 4.98 mg per piece)
    Total CBD206.71 mg (0.64% / 5.17 mg per piece)
    Total CBG218.38 mg (0.67% / 5.46 mg per piece)
    Total CBN8.1 mg (0.03% / 0.2 mg per piece)

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