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  • Runtz x Rainbow Chip by Hilight

Runtz x Rainbow Chip – 1 gr Sugar Wax

Indica69.12% THC1.99% CBG

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Product description

Try this refreshingly affordable cannabis cured resin sugar wax from Hilight. This extract is perfect for experienced cannabis users who are looking for a strong and flavorful experience. Runtz x Rainbow Chip sugar wax is an ideal hybrid cannabis experience, eliciting feelings of calm and relaxation.

Dominant Terpenes

  • Limonene

    11.67 mg/g

  • β-Caryophyllene

    11.42 mg/g

  • Linalool

    4.92 mg/g

  • Humulene

    4.63 mg/g

  • β-Myrcene

    4.57 mg/g


Strain TypeIndica
StrainRuntz x Rainbow Chip
Total THC69.12% (691.19 mg)
Total CBD0.2% (1.96 mg)
Total CBG1.99% (19.86 mg)

Sugar Wax is a concentrate that is very similar to shatter. It is created using the same extraction method. It also has a wide range of colors from very light yellow to almost amber. But the consistency and texture will be very different from shatter. Sugar Wax is rich in flavor and a bit easier to handle than other extracts, as it is thicker. As the name suggests it will look like sugar, or more precisely wet sugar.

The best temperature for dabbing would be 315-450°F, which will ensure a smooth and pleasant experience.

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