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  • Lunar Rainbow by Hilight

Lunar Rainbow – 1 gr Budder

Indica65.73% THC1.85% CBG
    • Earn 12% 6% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
      Ends 3/5/2025 at 12:00am.
    • Free delivery available statewide

    Product description

    Try this refreshingly affordable cannabis cured resin budder from Hilight. Lunar Rainbow is an Indica strain resulting from the exquisite cross between Zkittles and Do-Si-Dos. This strain is renowned for its enticing aroma of berries and nuts, complemented by delightful fruity and floral flavors. Lunar Rainbow is a versatile choice for various wellness needs. Its unique sensory profile and potential therapeutic benefits make Lunar Rainbow a standout strain for those seeking both flavor and function. Best for nighttime use.

    Dominant Terpenes

    • β-Caryophyllene

      21.69 mg/g

    • Humulene

      6.97 mg/g

    • Linalool

      6.39 mg/g

    • Guaiol

      5.75 mg/g

    • Limonene

      4.24 mg/g


    Strain TypeIndica
    StrainLunar Rainbow
    Total THC65.73% (657.35 mg)
    Total CBD0.16% (1.58 mg)
    Total CBG1.85% (18.47 mg)
    Extraction methodsBHO

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