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  • Utillian Glass Bubbler by Utillian
  • Utillian Glass Bubbler by Utillian
  • Utillian Glass Bubbler by Utillian
  • Utillian Glass Bubbler by Utillian

Utillian Glass Bubbler

    • Earn 6% 3% back in WholesomeCo Rewards.
      Ends 3/31/2025 at 12:00am.
    • Free delivery available statewide

    Product description

    The all new Utillian Glass Bubbler has been redesigned to accommodate a wider variety of Utillian, and other vaporizers. Now featuring silicone adapters for a more secure fit. This simple attachment allows for water cooled hits for an even smoother flavor off your favorite Utillian vaporizer.

    Compatible with:
    -Arizer Air 2
    -Arizer ArGo
    -Arizer Solo
    -Arizer Solo 2
    -DaVinci IQ2
    -DaVinci IQC
    -DaVinci Miqro
    -Dr Dabber Stella
    -Dynavap M 2021
    -Flowermate Slick
    -Flowermate V5 Nano
    -Focus V
    -Focus V Pro
    -Kandypens Crystal
    -Linx Blaze
    -Linx Gaia
    -Linx Hypnos Zero
    -Puffco Plus
    -Utillian 2
    -Utillian 420/421
    -Utillian 5
    -Utillian 5 (V3)
    -Utillian 620
    -Yocan Magneto

    What’s Included:
    1 x Utillian Glass Bubbler
    1 x Utillian 2 Adapter
    1 x Utillian 5 Adapter
    1 x Utillian 420/421 Adapter
    1 x Utillian 620 Adapter
    1 x Rollstop Sleeve


    WholesomeCo cannot process returns for hardware and accessories. We recommend you contact the vendor regarding their return policy.

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